What is Friendly Fraud and How It Affects Your Fintech

In this blog, we explore the escalating challenge of friendly fraud, which has emerged as the leading type of fraud attack affecting fintech businesses. You’ll gain insights into the definition of friendly fraud, its impact on chargebacks, and why fintech companies must address this issue. We also outline key strategies for preventing and managing friendly fraud, including the use of advanced technologies like AI and machine learning. Whether you're looking to protect your bottom line or strengthen customer trust, these insights provide valuable guidance for safeguarding your business against this growing threat.
Picture of Ravi Sandepudi

Ravi Sandepudi

September 20, 2024

Is one of the most dangerous fraud attacks silently draining your profits?

Friendly fraud—now the most prevalent type of fraud attack in the industry—occurs when legitimate customers dispute charges they’ve authorized.

It’s a growing menace, responsible for up to 75% of all chargebacks, and it poses a significant threat to fintech businesses.

But what is friendly fraud, exactly, and why is it so critical for your fintech to address?

Whether it’s due to forgetfulness, misunderstandings, or a deliberate attempt to get something for free, friendly fraud can quickly erode profits, damage customer relationships, and ultimately threaten the viability of your business if left unchecked.

In this blog, we’ll explore friendly fraud, its impact on the fintech industry, and the most effective strategies to combat this growing threat.

The stakes are high, but the solutions are within reach.

What is Friendly Fraud

Friendly fraud occurs when a legitimate customer requests a chargeback from their financial institution or payment provider instead of seeking a refund or resolution directly from the merchant. Unlike traditional fraud, where an unauthorized third party makes a fraudulent purchase, friendly fraud involves the actual cardholder disputing a transaction they knowingly made.

But how does it differ from chargeback fraud?

Friendly Fraud vs Chargeback Fraud

While “friendly fraud” and “chargeback fraud” are often used interchangeably, the two have distinct differences.

Chargeback fraud is a broader term encompassing all fraudulent activities related to payment disputes, including cases where fraudsters exploit the chargeback process to reverse legitimate transactions. On the other hand, friendly fraud is a specific type of chargeback fraud where a legitimate customer misuses the process.

However, there is a gray area in the chargeback process, where intent is hard to prove but important to the outcome.

For example, a customer might purchase a high-end smartphone online, receive the product, and then falsely claim non-delivery to initiate a chargeback. This is a classic case of  friendly chargeback fraud, where the customer knowingly disputes a legitimate charge, blurring the lines between innocent mistake and intentional fraud.

Friendly Fraud Consequences for Fintech

The impact of friendly fraud on fintech companies is significant, affecting them on multiple fronts:

  • Financial Losses: Beyond losing the disputed transaction amount, companies face chargeback fees, lost merchandise, and costs associated with order processing and shipping. In 2023, U.S. businesses lost approximately $65.214 billion to chargeback-related fraud, a figure that continues to grow annually.
  • Operational Costs: Resolving friendly fraud claims requires significant time and resources. Teams must gather evidence, investigate disputes, and engage in lengthy resolution processes. This diverts attention from core business activities and innovation, costing fintechs both time and money. Research shows that the chargebacks take one to six months to resolve, with no guarantee of success.
  • Reputational Damage: High chargeback ratios can damage a fintech company’s reputation. Payment processors may categorize the business as high-risk, leading to increased processing fees, stricter transaction monitoring, or even termination of merchant accounts. Such outcomes can severely hinder a company’s ability to operate effectively.

Moreover, the ripple effects of friendly fraud extend to customer trust and loyalty. Implementing stringent fraud prevention measures might inadvertently create friction for legitimate customers, potentially driving them to competitors.

A balance must be struck. Overly aggressive prevention measures can lead to customer dissatisfaction, so fintech companies need to adopt sophisticated strategies that protect their interests without compromising the customer experience.

As friendly fraud evolves, fintech companies need to stay vigilant, continually refining their strategies to minimize its impact. Balancing fraud prevention with a seamless customer journey is crucial for thriving today’s digital marketplace.

The Different Types of Friendly Fraud Chargebacks

Friendly fraud chargebacks manifest in various forms, each presenting unique challenges for fintech companies. Understanding these types is necessary for effective prevention and mitigation strategies.

1. Accidental Chargebacks

Accidental chargebacks occur when customers mistakenly dispute legitimate transactions. These incidents are often driven by confusion over billing descriptors or forgetfulness, particularly with recurring payments or infrequent purchases.

Here is an example of friendly fraud with a credit card: A customer might forget about a subscription service they signed up for and, when they see the charge, dispute it as unauthorized. This type of fraud is common and can often be prevented with clear communication and billing practices.

Mitigation strategy: Implementing clear, recognizable billing descriptors and sending reminder notifications before processing recurring charges can help in an accidental credit card chargeback prevention.

2. Family Fraud

Family fraud involves unauthorized transactions made by family members, typically without the account holder’s knowledge. This often happens when children use a parent’s credit card details for online purchases, leading to disputes once the charges are discovered.

Here’s an example: A teenager uses their parent’s payment information stored in a fintech wallet to make purchases within a mobile game. The parent disputes the charges upon seeing them on their statement, unaware of the transactions.

Response strategy: Strengthening security measures, like two-factor authentication, and educating customers about managing payment details can help prevent family fraud.

3. Intentional Chargebacks

Intentional chargebacks are deliberate attempts by customers to exploit the chargeback system for personal gain. These customers knowingly dispute legitimate charges to receive goods or services without payment.

For instance, a customer signs up for a high-end SaaS product, uses it for a month, and then disputes the charge, claiming they never authorized the transaction. Despite having fully utilized the service, they seek a refund through the chargeback process.

Response strategy: To combat intentional chargebacks, fintech companies should implement friendly fraud detection tools, track suspicious activity, and maintain thorough documentation to effectively challenge fraudulent disputes.

What Causes Friendly Fraud

Friendly fraud is influenced by several factors in today’s digital ecosystem. Understanding these causes helps fintech companies implement effective strategies to mitigate its impact.



Impact on Friendly Fraud

Ease of Filing Chargebacks Online

Modern financial platforms, including apps and websites, offer one-click chargeback options, simplifying the process for customers. This ease reduces the friction in disputing charges.

Increased instances of chargebacks due to the low effort required to initiate them.

Lack of Clear Merchant Communication

Ambiguous billing descriptors and unclear product descriptions can confuse customers. When charges are not easily identifiable, disputes are more likely.

Higher risk of chargebacks as customers may not recognize or remember transactions.

Customer Dissatisfaction or Buyer’s Remorse

Customers dissatisfied with a purchase or feeling regret may seek a chargeback as a quick alternative to returns or complaints.

Increased chargebacks due to customers opting for a chargeback over a more traditional return process.

Increased Digital Transactions & Subscriptions

The surge in online transactions and subscription services means more recurring charges, which can lead to misunderstandings and forgotten payments.

More frequent disputes as customers may forget or misunderstand recurring transactions.

Inadequate Security Measures

Insufficient security protocols can lead to unauthorized access or unrecognized transactions by legitimate account holders, even if the purchase was made by someone within the household.

An increase in disputes due to a lack of clear customer verification and account security.

Lack of Customer Education

Customers who are not educated about recognizing billing descriptors and understanding the chargeback process are more likely to initiate chargebacks.

Greater likelihood of accidental chargebacks due to misunderstanding or lack of awareness.

Understanding these causes is essential for fintech companies aiming to develop robust strategies for friendly fraud prevention. By addressing these factors, businesses can enhance their fraud friendly fraud detection measures and reduce their occurrence.

Identifying and Detecting Friendly Fraud in Fintech Transactions

In the fintech sector, friendly fraud is a growing concern that requires effective detection and prevention strategies. Understanding common patterns and learning how to prevent friendly fraud by utilizing advanced technologies are key to combating this issue.

Common Patterns and Detection Techniques

  1. Multiple Chargebacks from the Same Customer

Frequent chargebacks, especially for subscription services, may indicate abuse. If a customer repeatedly disputes charges for ongoing services, it could be a tactic to avoid payment. Utilizing AI-driven analytics, such as the advanced offered by Effectiv, fintechs can monitor these patterns in real-time, flagging repeat offenders and reducing false positives by distinguishing between genuine disputes and potential fraud

2. Chargebacks Initiated Soon After Purchase

Chargebacks filed immediately after receiving digital goods or memberships often signal buyer’s remorse or fraud. This behavior suggests that customers may use chargebacks as a way to circumvent payment.

3. Discrepancies Between Shipping and Billing Addresses

A mismatch between billing and shipping addresses can indicate potential fraud. For example, if a billing address is in one country and the shipping address is in another, it may suggest an attempt to evade detection.

So, how do you detect these?



Actionable Tip

Analyzing Transaction Histories

Examine records for unusual patterns, such as frequent high-value purchases.

Regularly review transaction data to identify anomalies.

Behavioral Profiling and Velocity Checks

Monitor patterns and transaction speeds to detect sudden spikes.

Implement velocity checks to flag rapid or abnormal transactions.

Leveraging Data and Analytics

Use advanced analytics and predictive modeling to spot emerging fraud trends.

Apply data-driven models to predict and prevent potential fraud.

Role of AI and Machine Learning:

AI and machine learning play a critical role in detecting and preventing friendly fraud by enabling real-time transaction monitoring and anomaly detection.

AI systems, like those offered by Effectiv, can spot deviations from normal patterns, such as unusual purchasing behavior or frequent chargebacks, and adapt to new fraud tactics over time, making them increasingly effective against evolving threats.

Machine learning algorithms analyze large datasets to recognize complex fraud patterns and emerging tactics, allowing fintechs to adapt their defenses swiftly. These adaptive algorithms continuously update based on new data, ensuring ongoing effectiveness against evolving fraud strategies.

Effectiv’s platform leverages these advanced technologies, offering customizable fraud detection solutions that evolve with your business needs.

By incorporating these advanced detection techniques and leveraging the power of AI and machine learning, fintech companies can enhance their ability to identify and prevent friendly fraud. This proactive approach not only protects revenue but also builds trust with customers, ensuring a secure and reliable transaction environment.

Protect your fintech business with an advanced AI-driven fraud detection solution. Discover how real-time monitoring can safeguard your revenue and build customer trust.

Strategies for Friendly Fraud Prevention and Chargeback Management

Effectively managing friendly fraud involves integrating best practices with advanced technologies and proactive customer engagement. Here’s how fintech companies can enhance their defenses:

Strategy 1: Enhance Prevention Measures

  • Use clear, recognizable billing information and brand names to avoid confusion.
  • Communicate refund policies transparently to prevent disputes.
  • Send order confirmations and delivery updates, and ensure easy access to customer support to address issues early.
  • Implement strong authentication like 3D Secure and integrate fraud scoring tools to assess transaction risks.

Strategy 2: Strengthen Chargeback Mitigation

  • Maintain comprehensive records of transactions, including communication and delivery details, to support disputes.
  • Collect evidence such as delivery confirmations and customer interactions for effective chargeback defense.
  • Develop a systematic approach for chargeback disputes and set up alerts to promptly detect and promptly address suspicious activities.

Strategy 3: Boost Customer Education and Support

  • Provide accurate and accessible product details and terms of service to minimize misunderstandings.
  • Educate customers on the impacts of chargebacks and encourage them to resolve issues directly with you.
  • Promote direct communication channels to address concerns before they escalate to chargebacks.

Strategy 4: Leverage Advanced Technologies

  • Use machine learning to analyze transaction patterns and detect friendly fraud.
  • Adapt to new fraud tactics with advanced AI systems.

Effectiv’s AI-powered solution exemplifies this approach. 

Cardless, a fintech startup dealing with slow, manual fraud processes, faced high risks and inefficiencies. By adopting Effectiv’s real-time platform, Cardless slashed rule creation time from weeks to under three minutes, blocking $78,000 in fraud from $11 million in transactions and flagging an additional $80,000 as suspicious. Automation also boosted their auto-approval rate to 99.5%. 

Effectiv’s real-time monitoring and quick decision-making capabilities empowered Cardless to enhance fraud prevention, streamline operations, and support its rapid growth.

Book a demo with Effectiv today and reduce your vulnerability to friendly fraud.

Proactive Friendly Fraud Management for Fintechs

A proactive approach is essential for tackling friendly fraud in the dynamic fintech sector. Effective strategies integrate advanced AI detection systems with thorough documentation and customer education. 

By ensuring clear billing, employing strong authentication, and using data analytics, fintechs can build a robust multi-layered defense against fraud. This approach minimizes financial losses and strengthens customer trust and operational efficiency. As friendly fraud tactics evolve, staying ahead with adaptive solutions is vital. 

Partner with Effectiv to leverage cutting-edge AI technology and enhance your fraud prevention strategy. Don’t let chargebacks gain your profits – Book a demo today and ensure long-term success.


1. What is the difference between friendly fraud and refund abuse?

Friendly fraud occurs when a customer disputes a legitimate transaction, often falsely claiming they didn’t authorize the charge, even though they did. In contrast, refund abuse involves exploiting return policies to get refunds without a genuine reason, such as returning used items or requesting refunds after receiving goods or services.

2. What is an example of chargeback fraud?

Chargeback fraud happens when a customer makes a purchase, receives the item or service, and then disputes the charge with their credit card company, claiming the transaction was unauthorized. This is done to keep the product or service without paying for it.

3. Why is friendly fraud a growing concern in fintech?

Friendly fraud is increasing due to the rise in online transactions and the ease of disputing charges with credit card companies. Fintech companies face challenges in distinguishing between legitimate disputes and fraudulent claims, which can lead to significant financial losses and operational strain.

4. Are there legal protections for fintech companies against friendly fraud?

Legal protections for fintech companies against friendly fraud are limited, making it essential for businesses to manage fraud risks proactively. Companies need to rely on internal policies, detailed record-keeping, and fraud prevention technologies to mitigate potential losses and disputes.

5. How can fintech companies handle disputes related to friendly fraud?

Fintech companies should maintain comprehensive records of all transactions and communications to manage disputes related to friendly fraud. Implementing advanced fraud detection tools and educating customers on proper dispute procedures can also help reduce the incidence of fraudulent chargebacks and streamline resolution processes.

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