Card Not Present Fraud: What Every Fintech Needs to Know

In this blog, we delve into the growing threat of Card Not Present (CNP) fraud and its impact on the financial industry. As online shopping and digital transactions surge, so does the risk of fraudsters exploiting these channels, with projected losses reaching $10.16 billion this year. We discuss effective strategies to counteract CNP fraud, including advanced detection technologies, fraud prevention techniques, and the importance of proactive customer engagement. Our insights aim to equip fintechs with the tools needed to enhance security, protect customer data, and mitigate financial losses in this evolving landscape.
Picture of Ravi Sandepudi

Ravi Sandepudi

September 17, 2024

Convenience comes at a steep price—especially with fraudsters lurking in the digital shadows.

As online shopping and digital transactions become more prevalent, fraudsters are seizing new opportunities in the virtual space. We have entered the era of Card Not Present (CNP) fraud, a silent epidemic costing the financial industry billions.

With projections estimating $10.16 billion in CNP fraud losses in 2024 alone, the stakes have never been higher. 

The implementation of EMV technology has been effective in preventing card-present fraud. However, it has inadvertently fueled the rise of CNP fraud by safeguarding card numbers during in-person transactions but leaving them vulnerable online.

In this blog, we’ll explore strategies to protect your organization and customers in this evolving landscape of financial security.

What is Card Not Present Fraud?

Card not present (CNP) fraud trends have become a significant concern for businesses worldwide. By 2024, it is expected to account for approximately three-quarters of the total payment fraud losses in the USA alone.

CNP fraud occurs when criminals use stolen credit card information to make unauthorized purchases without physically presenting the card. Unlike traditional card fraud, CNP fraud doesn’t require the fraudster to have the actual card in hand, making it particularly challenging to detect and prevent. 

As fintechs face these evolving threats, understanding fraudsters’ techniques is essential. This insight develops comprehensive and effective strategies to protect both customers and organizations from financial losses and reputational damage.

How Does CNP Fraud Happen?

Fraudsters have evolved their methods to exploit vulnerabilities in card-not-present transactions. Let’s explore the primary methods used by cybercriminals and the corresponding countermeasures:

  • Data Breaches: Large-scale attacks on databases expose customer information, compromising numerous accounts. Fintechs should implement advanced encryption, conduct regular security audits, and use tokenization to protect data.
  • Insider Threats: Employees can misuse their access to customer data or systems for personal gain. Enforcing strict access controls, using AI-driven behavioral analytics, and conducting regular security audits can mitigate this risk.
  • Account Takeover Fraud: Criminals steal login credentials through phishing or malware to make unauthorized transactions. Deploying multi-factor authentication (MFA), utilizing AI-powered analytics for unusual login patterns, and setting up real-time alerts for suspicious activities are effective countermeasures.
  • Synthetic Identity Fraud: Fraudsters create fake identities by mixing real and fabricated information to open and exploit accounts. Advanced identity verification tools, document verification technology, and collaboration with credit bureaus help detect and prevent this type of fraud.
  • Card Testing: Fraudsters test stolen card information with small transactions to check if the card is valid. Monitoring for unusual patterns in small transactions, using velocity checks to limit rapid transactions, and applying advanced fraud scoring models are key strategies to combat this.
  • Chargeback Fraud: Customers dispute legitimate transactions as unauthorized, leading to losses for merchants. Utilizing 3D Secure protocols, implementing strong authentication methods, maintaining detailed transaction records, and collaborating with card networks to identify chargeback patterns can help mitigate these losses.
  • Social Engineering: Manipulators trick individuals into revealing confidential information by pretending to be legitimate entities. Comprehensive staff training on recognizing social engineering tactics, enforcing strict verification protocols, and using voice recognition technology are essential defenses.
  • Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Cybercriminals intercept communications between the customer and organization, capturing sensitive information. Ensuring all communications use end-to-end encryption, implementing SSL certificates for online platforms, and educating customers on the risks of public Wi-Fi are crucial protective measures.
  • SIM Swapping: Fraudsters trick mobile carriers into transferring a victim’s phone number to a new SIM, intercepting SMS-based authentication codes. Implementing MFA methods beyond SMS, educating customers on SIM swap risks, and working with mobile carriers to enhance verification processes can reduce the risk of this type of fraud.

Understanding these methods enables fintechs to establish a multi-layered defense against CNP fraud, integrating advanced technology with customer education and internal security measures. Before diving into the advanced strategies to combat CNP fraud, let’s explore how it impacts various stakeholders.

The Ripple Effect of CNP Fraud on Stakeholders

CNP fraud doesn’t just affect a single entity; its impact reverberates throughout the entire payment ecosystem. Acknowledging these far-reaching consequences help to craft strategies that effectively safeguard all involved parties.

Impact on Stakeholders


Financial Impact

Operational Impact

Reputational Impact


  • Potential absorption of fraud losses
  • Increased investment in fraud prevention technology
  • Regulatory fines for inadequate protection
  • Higher operational costs for fraud detection & resolution
  • Need for continuous staff training
  • Increased customer support workload
  • Damage to brand trust
  • Customer attrition to perceived safer competitors
  • Increased regulatory scrutiny


  • Chargebacks and lost merchandise
  • Costs of fraud prevention systems
  • Balancing security with frictionless checkout
  • Managing false positives in fraud detection
  • Erosion of customer trust
  • Potential loss of business to competitors


  • Temporary fund unavailability
  • Potential exposure to broader identity theft
  • Time and effort in disputing charges
  • Stress of dealing with fraud resolution
  • Reduced confidence in online transactions
  • Hesitancy in future digital finance engagements

Consumer Protection and Liability

Effective consumer protection and liability management play a pivotal role in dealing with CNP fraud. Fintechs can take several steps to manage this issue:

  • Implementing Advanced Fraud Detection Systems: Fintechs need to invest in sophisticated technology to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions in real time, ensuring rapid identification and response to potential threats.
  • Educating Customers: Proactive education about fraud risks and preventive measures equips customers with the knowledge to protect their accounts and recognize potential scams.
  • Providing Secure Payment Options: Offering features such as tokenization and encryption can significantly enhance transaction security and reduce the risk of fraud.
  • Quick Response to Fraud Reports: Efficient and streamlined processes for handling fraud claims minimize customer impact and reduce financial losses.
  • Collaborating with Merchants: Working closely with merchants to enforce best practices in fraud prevention helps build a stronger defense against CNP fraud.

A comprehensive approach to consumer protection and liability can effectively strengthen the security framework. Additionally, regularly reviewing statements and actively monitoring account activity by customers help in early fraud detection and enhanced financial security.

Integrating solutions like Effectiv’s advanced fraud detection systems can further enhance these measures. Effectiv’s AI-driven technology continuously adapts to emerging fraud patterns, providing robust real-time protection against CNP fraud. This not only helps in mitigating financial losses but also in maintaining customer trust and operational efficiency.

In addition to these measures, advanced fraud detection and prevention strategies must be adopted to protect finances and reduce the financial impacts on both the institution and its clients.

Advanced CNP Fraud Detection & Prevention Strategies

As fraudsters continue to evolve their tactics, it’s important to remain vigilant and adaptable in their fraud prevention efforts to protect both their customers and their bottom line. Let’s explore some of the most effective advanced strategies for CNP fraud detection and prevention:

  • Address Verification System (AVS)

This is a widely used fraud prevention tool that verifies if the billing address provided by the customer matches the address on file with the card issuer. By cross-referencing these details, AVS helps to identify and prevent potentially fraudulent transactions.

  • Card Verification Value (CVV)

Requiring the CVV code for transactions adds an additional layer of security. This three or four-digit code, found on the back of most credit cards, helps verify that the person making the transaction has the physical card in their possession. It significantly reduces fraud from stolen card numbers.

  • Digital Identity Services

These services use extensive data networks to authenticate users by analyzing multiple data points. They flag anomalies and provide a smoother experience for legitimate transactions. This method enhances security by ensuring that the person using the card is indeed the cardholder.

  • Biometric Verification

Employing unique physical traits such as fingerprints or facial recognition for authentication cuts down on identity theft, and enhances security with minimal inconvenience. This method is becoming increasingly popular as biometric technology becomes more accessible.

  • Tokenization

This substitutes sensitive card data with unique tokens that are useless if stolen. This method protects customer information and simplifies data security compliance, making it harder for fraudsters to exploit stolen data.

  • Network Intelligence

Analyzing transaction data across networks helps spot fraud trends in real time, enabling proactive measures and improving detection accuracy. This approach leverages the power of big data and advanced analytics to identify suspicious patterns.

  • AI and Machine Learning

Using these models to detect subtle fraud patterns and adapt to new tactics reduces false positives and enhances overall fraud detection efficiency. These technologies continuously learn and improve, providing robust protection against evolving threats

  • Dynamic Code Verification

Generating a unique code for each transaction makes stolen data useless for future use and adds security for high-risk transactions. This method ensures that even if card information is intercepted, it cannot be reused.

Implementing these advanced strategies enables to create a strong defense against CNP fraud. Since no single method is foolproof, a layered approach combining multiple strategies often yields the best results. 

Solutions like those provided by Effectiv can play a crucial role in enhancing these defenses, offering advanced tools and technologies to stay ahead of emerging threats.

Prevent CNP Fraud with Effectiv

At the core of Effectiv’s solution lies its AI-driven fraud detection system. The intelligent technology continuously learns and adapts to new fraud patterns, ensuring your defenses remain ahead of evolving threats. 

Effectiv’s DeviceIntel analyzes vast amounts of data in real time, accurately identifies suspicious activities and significantly reduces exposure to CNP fraud.

Here are some of its standout features:

  1. Device and Behavioral Fingerprinting: Creates unique fingerprints for each device and user behavior, accurately identifying potential fraudsters even when they try to mask their identity. This method uses advanced machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies based on historical data and real-time behavior patterns
  2. User-Friendly Workflow Builder: Easily customize and fine-tune fraud prevention strategies to match specific business needs and risk tolerance. This flexibility ensures quick adaptation to new fraud tactics without overhauling their entire system.
  3. Real-Time Verification and Intuitive Risk Scoring: Provides instant transaction verification and assigns risk scores based on comprehensive analysis, enabling quick, informed decisions to reduce fraud while minimizing disruptions to legitimate transactions. AI models can process vast datasets to distinguish between genuine and fraudulent activities, thus reducing false positives and enhancing customer experience.


Implementing Effectiv’s DeviceIntel brings several tangible benefits:

  • Reduces Financial Losses: By identifying and preventing fraudulent activities in real-time, fintechs can significantly cut down on financial losses associated with CNP fraud.
  • Streamlines Operations: Automated detection and verification processes improve operational efficiency and reduce the workload on fraud management teams.
  • Builds Customer Confidence and Loyalty: Enhanced fraud protection fosters trust among customers, ensuring they feel secure in their transactions.
  • Adapts to Changing Fraud Patterns: Continuous learning and adaptation to new fraud tactics keep the defenses robust and up-to-date.
DeviceIntel can revolutionize your fraud prevention strategy while enhancing customer experience

Securing Your Fintechs Against CNP Fraud

CNP fraud poses a significant threat to fintechs, merchants, and consumers alike. The rapid growth of e-commerce and digital transactions has created new opportunities for fraudsters.

Advanced technologies like Effectiv’s DeviceIntel offer enhanced detection capabilities, identifying suspicious activities with greater accuracy and speed. This technological edge helps to outpace fraudsters. 

As fraud tactics evolve, so must the strategies to combat them. Staying informed about the latest trends in fraud prevention and integrating cutting-edge technologies ensures a resilient and responsive defense.

Safeguard your fintech against CNP fraud. Book a demo for Effectiv’s advanced AI-powered solutions and fortify your institution’s defenses today.


1. What should fintechs do if they suspect card-not-present fraud?

If a fintech suspects card-not-present (CNP) fraud, they should take the following steps:

  • Initiate Real-Time Monitoring: Immediately monitor the affected account and related transactions for any further suspicious activity.
  • Verify with the Customer: Contact the user to confirm if they recognize the suspected fraudulent transactions.
  • Secure the Account: If the customer confirms the fraud, promptly lock the account or suspend the affected payment method to prevent further unauthorized transactions.
  • Investigate the Fraud Source: Analyze the incident to determine the origin, such as a data breach or phishing attempt, and strengthen security measures to avoid future breaches.
  • Report the Incident: File a fraud report with the relevant authorities and collaborate with them during the investigation to help curb the broader impact of the fraud.

These steps help fintechs protect their customers and maintain trust by swiftly addressing and mitigating the impact of CNP fraud.

2. How does card-not-present fraud differ from card-present fraud?

Card-not-present fraud involves using stolen card information for online or phone purchases without the physical card, making it harder to detect and prevent.

In contrast, card-present fraud requires the physical card, allowing merchants to check for tampering or signs of fraud. This makes card-present fraud easier to detect as merchants can verify the cardholder’s identity through signatures or PINs​​​​.

3. What role do EMV standards play in preventing card-not-present fraud?

EMV standards are designed to secure in-person transactions by requiring a PIN or signature. However, they have minimal impact on preventing card-not-present fraud, which relies on stolen card information used online or over the phone. As EMV makes card-present fraud more difficult, fraudsters are shifting to card-not-present methods​​​​.

4. What role does compliance play in managing card-not-present fraud?

Compliance with industry standards and regulations plays a key role in managing card-not-present fraud:

  • PCI DSS compliance requires merchants to implement security measures to protect cardholder data.
  • EMV standards, while not directly preventing card-not-present fraud, helps reduce overall card fraud.
  • Regulatory compliance demonstrates a commitment to security and can help mitigate liability in fraud incidents.
  • Participating in industry networks and sharing fraud intelligence helps the entire ecosystem stay informed and protected.

5. How can fintechs educate their customers about card-not-present fraud?

Fintechs can educate their customers about card-not-present fraud by:

  • Provide guidance on how to identify fraudulent emails, texts, and websites that aim to steal personal information.
  • Explain how customers can review their digital transaction history and statements to spot unauthorized charges.
  • Advise customers to regularly check their accounts for any suspicious activity and unusual transactions.
  • Urge customers to report suspected fraud immediately to initiate quick action.

Provide real-time notifications and transaction monitoring features to keep customers informed and secure.

6. How does Effectiv’s AI-driven solution help in combating CNP fraud? 

Effectiv’s AI-driven solution helps fintechs by providing real-time fraud detection, predictive analytics, and automated response mechanisms. The platform analyzes transaction data to identify suspicious patterns and behaviors, reducing the likelihood of fraud and minimizing financial losses.

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Prevent Fraud In Real-Time & Safely Onboard Customers with One Platform